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Note about stats: Every character has unique stats, but everyone will be equal in power, it*s been balanced.
STR (Strength) increases the power of melee weapons.
RNG (Ranged) Increases the power of ranged weapons and ammo.
MAG (Magic) Increases the power of magic weapons.
VIT (Vitality) Increases the defense armor gives.
Stats may increase the power of your character but the overall power of your character is still heavily dependent on your equipment.
-Party UI
-Enemy stat UI (Doesn*t work for players)
-Options in settings to change the textures/types of several UI elements.
-A low life sound (Can be disabled in settings)
-Equipment gives stats
-Healing items have different cooldowns (lesser healing: 40s, healing potion: 50s, etc)
-Reforging of accessories is reduced by 25%
-New affixes for accessories.
-Shift + Click on items to transfer to/from chests or banks.
--Change Log--
Version 8 (11/9/14):
Made preperations for 1.3.
Complete enemy stat overhaul.
Player HP overhaul. Life fruits no longer double HP or increase HP Recovery. They are reverted back to vanilla.
Raised fixed base stats by 1.
Raised minimum base stats by 8.
Raised base stat possibility for other specs.
Reworked HP regen to be closer to Vanilla rates.
Changed some trap/environmental damage.
Added a new health bar style for players.
Gave a stat reset to all specs including stat points spent. You will retain your current spec.
Reworked most of the new affixes so they don*t feel like such a downgrade.
Prefixes that give HP now increase HP by a percentage instead of a fixed rate.
Fixed an issue where the crimson set didn*t give the correct stats.
You are now required to tag(hurt) an enemy to acquire EXP. Summons, thorns potion, chlorophyte armor, etc, do not tag the enemy.
Creatures from statues no longer give EXP.
Mana Flowers have been fixed.
Multiplayer bosses have increased stats(HP, Defense and slight Damage) depending on how many players there are. Other enemies have 75% less of an effect.
Meteorite now properly gives EXP.
You can gain EXP from fishing.
EXP can be obtained from the fishing quests.
EXP gained from enemies now decreases from normal enemies the higher your level. Twenty Five Level difference, 10% minimum, 175% maximum.
Added an option to reduce EXP gained in player creation. Up to 100% Reduced (No EXP).
Balanced out ammo/ranged damage.
Raised NPC Levels from 30 to 40.
Drastically reduced EXP from enemies in invasions.
You no longer make an action when clicking when the mouse is over a stat that you can increase with status points.
Red Devil level increased from 67 to 73.
Lava bat level increased from 65 to 71.
Increased power for summon damage through the magic stat.
Reduced the effect of Ichor on players and changed it for enemies. (VIT -25 to -15 for players. DEF -20 to -10% on enemies.)
Added text to the weapon damage to show the base damage of the weapon.
Bug I cannot trace: Chlorophyte doesn*t properly give EXP in multiplayer.
Version 7b (5/21/14):
Added a new optional health bar for enemies.
Tweaked boss HP.
Version 7a (4/24/14):
Increased enemy stats. (Complaints that it was too easy)
Changed some UI stuff. (Heart texture 2 now has 8 parts instead of 4.)
Spike traps now deal more damage.
Thorns, Sand, Gravel, etc, now do more damage.
Added two new damage fonts.
Version 7 (1/26/14):
Updated to 1.2.2.
EXP required increased significantly.
Weapon damage tweaked.
Stats Tweaked.
Added a stat specialization tab in the character creation.
Added an option to handicap your max health in the character creation.
Added an option to disable natural health or mana regeneration in the character creation.
Made worlds work with editors and vanilla again.
Lowered base player HP.
Bonus stats on equipment changed/upgraded.
Added an option to change when the low health sound activates in the Mod Settings on the title screen.
You can now see party memeber EXP.
Max level reduced to 80 to make room for new future content.
Fixed an issue with summoned invasions not working for players below 10 hearts.
Added feature take items from your inventory to containers and vice versa using Shift + Click.
Added several new affixes for accessories.
Evened out VIT with the rest of the stats.
Fixed some things that made the Nurse charge for passive buffs. Such as Campfire, Water Candle, or Heart Lantern.
Added a biome info message when changing biomes.
Moved the resources the mod uses to an individual folder.
Added an option to change the damage font from 9 different fonts.
Added an alternate party window. Changable in the Mod Settings.
Balanced out fall damage a bit more.
Revamped HP Regeneration.
Reduced cost of Reforging for accessories by 25%
Version 6 (10/24/13):
Weapon damage re-balance.
Fixed Plantera.
Fixed some stats on other enemies that were not working.
Slight enemy HP/Def re-balance.
Fixed an issue with EXP from ores.
Pre-hardmode bosses no longer increase in level in hardmode worlds.
Worlds from this mod are no longer compatible with the original game. But original worlds can still be loaded.
Fixed the damage on drowning.
After much demand I lowered the damage on falls for low levels, but not by too much.
Version 5 (10/23/13):
Added an import option to import saves from the original game.
Some re-balancing.
Some bug fixes and minor changes.
Version 4 (10/22/13):
Updated for!
Enemy stat growth from levels completely reworked, so the scaling of enemies shouldn*t be as bad as before.
The issue with enemies that die on the server but not on the client due to syncing issues, causing the enemy to disappear and give no EXP possibly fixed. I have no idea.
Enemies like Worms, or Bone Serpents now give EXP like they should.
Increased player base maximum HP.
Fixed a problem where you get EXP from trap kills.
Hearing another player level up is now working.
Stat Points are every 6 levels after Lv.2 instead of every 7 levels now.
Change from the original: The default resolution was changed from 1152 x 864 to 1024 x 768.
Version 3 (9/29/13):
Changed some enemy stats (weakened a bit).
Fixed shared EXP.
Lowered required EXP (it*s a bit easier to level at lower levels now).
Nerfed Poison, On Fire!, and Cursed Inferno.
You can now see/hear when another player levels up.
Version 2 (9/28/13):
Fixed an issue in multiplayer that was causing damage to go extremely high.
Version 1 (9/28/13):
Initial release


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